
Parts of the Birds & Revision

Date: 19th September 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Wild Animals
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Parts of the Birds & Revision

Today, I guided the children to go through the parts of the birds again. Therefore, a few vocabularies were being introduced again here : head, eye, beak/bill, feather and leg. This is to get them familiarize with the words so that I could prepare the worksheet for them in the next few days.

After that, I guided the children to tell me things or information that they remember about ostrich and flamingo that they watched on last Thursday. Surprisingly, many of them could remember some distinctive features of the ostrich and the flamingo.

Teacher: Can you tell me what you remember about ostrich?
Children: Black colour.
Children: Cannot fly.....Very heavy.......
Children: Lay eggs.
Children: Can dance.

Teacher: Can you tell me what you remember about flamingo?
Children: Pink colour.
Children: Can fly.
Children: Lay eggs.
Children: Walk in the water.

