
Introduction to Birds

Date: 13th September 2016
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Wild Animals
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Introduction to Birds

After the children had decided the new thematic topic, I quickly get them to give me a name for it. I believe the children like the words "beautiful" a lot. That's the reason why they named their new theme as "Beautiful Wild Animals". We shall focus on wild animals that they usually see in the zoo. I do hope to get them to explore more about those wild animals if the time is allowed.

We started off with birds. This is an area that I hardly do with the children for my past few years of exploring animals. I think this is because the children were not that familiar with birds and usually they will mention about tiger, lions or even elephants rather than birds. However, this time, I would like to explore the birds with the children and see how far can we go.

The children gave their opinions about birds.

Teacher: How do you know it is a bird?
Gaby: Because bird can fly.
Khai Hann: Because it can build nest.
Gaby: Bird can sing. Tweet......tweet..
Max: Bird has feathers.

Teacher: How many legs does a bird have? (Some said 2, some said 3, some said 4 and some even said 10.) Ans: 2 legs.

I get the children to tell me the names of birds that they know.

Shan Lin: parrot, pigeon, crow
Max: peacock
Gaby: cock
Khai Hann: woodpecker

