

Date: 15th July 2016
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Sea Creatures
Teacher: Ms Yeong


After watching the video about the amazing underwater world, I believe that the children would be interested with sharks. Therefore, I introduced sharks today. Coincident that Khai Hann also brought a book about sharks that he could share with his classmates.

We glance through the book quickly and then, I played them a video about shark.

Video: All About Sharks for Children: Animal Videos for Kids - FreeSchool

From the video, the children could see some of the shark mentioned in the book.

Lastly, today, we used about 20 minutes to get the children to complete their fish origami. Next week, when mostly of them had done their fish origami, I shall paste it onto the fish poster.

