

Date: 10th February 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


We had done quite a lot about whales, so we moved on to shark. Shark is one of the animals that the children are quite familiar with. I believe this has to do with a lot of cartoons or story books that the children had came across.

We had a brainstorming session about sharks.

Teacher: What do you know about sharks?
Children: Sharp teeth. (A few of them said that in Mandarin)
Children: Got tail.
Children: Got eye.
Children: Can swim.
Teacher: What does shark eat?
Children: Fish. Jellyfish. Octopus.
Teacher: Where does the shark lives?
Children: Water.
Teacher: Water..hmm......there’s a pond at the garden of the school. Did you find a shark there?
Children: (Laugh) No…only fish.
Teacher: So, where does the sharks lives?
Children: (There were a silence across the hall, some just grin. ) Sea. (Ayden suddenly replied)
Teacher: Yes, the sharks live in the sea. Not in any water that you see. We can’t find sharks in our school pond.

Book Sharing: Sharks, Big, Bigger, Biggest by Jerry Pallotta

This is a book about all kinds of different shark such as the whale shark, the great white shark, the hammerhead shark etc. We only managed to go through parts of the books. We shall continue with it on other days. 

