
Nursery Rhymes Reading - Baa baa Black Sheep

Date: 7th October 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Nursery Rhymes Reading - Baa baa Black Sheep

Today, I wrote the words for the nursery rhymes - Baa Baa Black Sheep on the board for the children to read the words correctly and to sing it accordingly. I noticed that most of them could get the first few lines sang correctly but the last few lines. It took us about 10-15 minutes to read through it and to sing it correctly.

Then, we moved on to another colour - White. This time, I didn't get to find any suitable song of white colour for the children to sing. Therefore, we only had a short brainstorming session about things in white.

Teacher: Could you name me things in white?
Children: cloud, cat, dog, ice cream etc.

Then, the children suggested that maybe we could do something with white colour. They suggested doing ice cream. Suddenly, I thought of the ice cream that Wei Xiang had brought for us. Wei Xiang said that he could request the recipe from his mom and we shall discuss if the ingredients are simple for us to do it.

