
Art Work - Seahorse

Date: 19th March 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Ocean
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art Work - Seahorse

Today, I get the children to do tear and paste art work. I have pre-cut some stripes of colour paper and some of the children had helped me yesterday to cut some as well. I have also printed out the outline of a sea horse for the children to work on it.

Then each child were given some varieties of colour paper stripes to tear. After that, they will paste the colour paper onto their seahorse picture to make it colourful. If other parts of the picture which was not pasted with colour paper, the children could colour it with colour pencil.

Note: All the children from Starfruit class is going to watch a musical show in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. Therefore, there will be no blog update for 20th March 2015 (Friday).

