Date: 4th March 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Ocean
Teacher: Teacher Yeong
Art and Craft - crab (palm printing) & Game- Part II
The children continued with the art work that they had done half way yesterday. I gave the children about half an hour time to add on any details that they wanted.
Some of the children would just add in anything they like while some will refer to reference books on the picture of a crab.
Game- Crab Walking
I divided the class into 2 big groups today. There were about 7 in a group. Then, I put a box of toy in the middle of the room.
The rules of the game are as followed:
1) The children needed to walk side way like a crab until they reach the box of toy.
2) Pick up a toy and continued until they reach a table with a basket.
3) Place the toy into the basket.
Any of the children who didn't follow the rules will be asked to re-do the whole process again. This is to train the children to follow and obey an instruction.
We shall play this game tomorrow again with rewards.