
Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?

Date: 15th October 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?

As we moved on to brown colour, immediately I thought of this book from Eric Carle. A parent from another class even did some animals print out for this story. She borrowed the materials for me to carry out the activities in the class. I have counted, there are about 10 animals that we can used to carry out an activity according to the story.

As I read the story to the children, those children who were holding that particular animals would stand up and stand in line. The children listen and follow the instruction until we completed the whole story.

Then, all the children jumbled themselves up and stand in a line. I will give a start for the story and the children would follow the line from the story and see what's the animal that is standing next to him/her. We had this for 2 rounds before the children call it a day.

The children suggested that they could make a picture book like this one. Therefore, I get each child to name me an animal that they could put it into their picture book.

These were the animals that the children suggested: -
cat, fish, rabbit, snake, deer, bat, lion, bear, crocodile, tortoise, frog,

