
Grey - Elephant Art

Date: 13th October 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Grey - Elephant Art

Since the children learned about white and black. Then when we mixed the colour together, we will get grey. Therefore, I brought in some black and white water colour and mixed it in front of the children. Now, they understand more about colour mixing.

Then, we picked an animal that is grey in colour. The children all agreed to pick elephant. Therefore, we did an art work on grey.

This time, the children painted the grey water colour that I have mixed onto their palm and immediately printed it onto the drawing paper that I have prepared.

Once the paint has dried, the children could start to add on details to their art work.

Zen Hong & Kai Heng doing the palm printing together. 

Huey Xin & Yi Fai

Ayden happily painted his palm grey for the elephant art.

Pin Jee printing his palm on the paper to make two elephants' picture.

