
Sharing Session - White Clouds Art

Date: 7th - 8th October 2014
Day: Tuesday & Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Sharing Session - White Clouds Art

We used these 2 days to get the children to talk about their art as they said they have quite some stories to share with their friends. As some of their stories were quite long, therefore, I gave them 2 days to complete it before we moved on to another colour - black.

Yi Fai: This is an ice cream car. The robot is going into the house. The Lamborghini go inside the house.

Thong Xuan: This is a princess. The princess lost her daddy mummy. She lives alone in the house. The wind blows very hard. The princess lives in an igloo.

Pin Jee: One day, the little car, he go go he see an ice cream car. He wants eat ice cream. Then the train and a car come. The train stopped, the car went into the train and go away.

Huey Xin: People go inside the house. Then they go to the car. Then they go "Giant" for shopping.

Edmund: One day, the car flying the aeroplane fly the tank is in front. One racing car go away. After the racing car go to the house, he walk inside.

Yee Hin: This is KLCC. A truck is at the office. This is KL - Tower. A racing car. A father racing car. A mother racing car. An orange Lamborghini.

Jayden: This is my KLCC. This is my long train. This is my car. This is my aeroplane.

Zen Hong: One day a car..... (he didn't complete his story and shy away)

Yi Xuan: My house. I stay, mommy stay, no eat sweet. Mommy sleeping. Thong Xuan say gives mommy coffee. Ee Wern give mommy coffee. Mommy wake up. Mommy still sleeping. I said mommy no touch my car. Yi Xuan give dog eat.

Ee Wern: This is flower. This is a sun.

Ayden: One day, Ferrari race very fast. This one win. These two broken. These two cars are very fast.

