
New Colour - White

Date: 26th September 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

New Colour - White

From the list of the colours that the children had voted earlier, the next colour would be white. The children were asked to look for things that is white in their class. They could also bring items that is white in colour to share with their friends next week. 

Game - Goose, Goose, Geese
By now, the children should be quite familiar with the names of colours, therefore, we carried out this game today. 

The children sat down in a small circle. Then I picked a child to go around touching their friend's head. By doing so, that child needed to say out a colour. Every round, I shall gave them a colour that the children needed to be aware of. Once they hear their friend mentioned about that colour, they have to stand up immediately and chase after that child. The one who is being chased needed to be fast enough to sit back at the empty seat. 

Colours that I picked were the colours that the children had learned. Most of them were quite alert of what their friends are saying while some are quite slow in reaction. However, the kids had fun. 

After the chase, the kids took some rest by lying on the floor. We call it a day. 

