
New Colour - Black

Date: 9th & 10th  October 2014
Day: Thursday & Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

New Colour - Black

We had a short period for brainstorming session on black. Then we did a worksheet on black according to the nursery rhyme - Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. The children needed to fill in the the word "black" in the blanks of the nursery rhymes.

Then the children colour the sheep in black so that they understand the link of the colour and its name.

I also prepared a quarter of the drawing paper for each child. Then I demonstrated by using varieties of crayons colours to colour on the drawing paper. Then on top of the colourful colours, I painted it with black crayons. The black crayons must covered all the colourful colours. Then I used the long toothpicks to draw pictures on it. The children were amazed to know that colours will appear from the black crayons layer.

With the demonstration done, the children quickly picked up those colourful crayons and started drawing on their drawing paper. After they had covered it with the black crayons, they were so eager to start off with their pictures.

Sharing Session - White Clouds Art

Date: 7th - 8th October 2014
Day: Tuesday & Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Sharing Session - White Clouds Art

We used these 2 days to get the children to talk about their art as they said they have quite some stories to share with their friends. As some of their stories were quite long, therefore, I gave them 2 days to complete it before we moved on to another colour - black.

Yi Fai: This is an ice cream car. The robot is going into the house. The Lamborghini go inside the house.

Thong Xuan: This is a princess. The princess lost her daddy mummy. She lives alone in the house. The wind blows very hard. The princess lives in an igloo.

Pin Jee: One day, the little car, he go go he see an ice cream car. He wants eat ice cream. Then the train and a car come. The train stopped, the car went into the train and go away.

Huey Xin: People go inside the house. Then they go to the car. Then they go "Giant" for shopping.

Edmund: One day, the car flying the aeroplane fly the tank is in front. One racing car go away. After the racing car go to the house, he walk inside.

Yee Hin: This is KLCC. A truck is at the office. This is KL - Tower. A racing car. A father racing car. A mother racing car. An orange Lamborghini.

Jayden: This is my KLCC. This is my long train. This is my car. This is my aeroplane.

Zen Hong: One day a car..... (he didn't complete his story and shy away)

Yi Xuan: My house. I stay, mommy stay, no eat sweet. Mommy sleeping. Thong Xuan say gives mommy coffee. Ee Wern give mommy coffee. Mommy wake up. Mommy still sleeping. I said mommy no touch my car. Yi Xuan give dog eat.

Ee Wern: This is flower. This is a sun.

Ayden: One day, Ferrari race very fast. This one win. These two broken. These two cars are very fast.


Art Work - White Clouds in the Blue Sky (Part IV)

Date: 3rd October 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art Work - White Clouds in the Blue Sky (Part IV)

As some of the children had not completed their drawing from yesterday, therefore, today, I allowed them to continue with their work.

Finally, most of them are done by end of the class. These are some of their art work:

Art Work - White Clouds in the Blue Sky (Part III)

Date: 2nd October 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art Work - White Clouds in the Blue Sky (Part III)

Now, the blue sky and white clouds are ready. The children needed to put in some pictures for their art work. I gave each child a piece of A4 paper, they could start to decide what to put in into their art. After that they could cut it and pasted it into their art.

The children were happily drawing and telling their stories to their friends while cutting and pasting it onto their art.

Therefore, I decided to let the children to share their art work with their friends once they had done with it.

Art Work - White Colouds In the Blue Sky (Part II)

Date: 1st October 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art Work - White Colouds In the Blue Sky (Part II)

Today, we shall continue with the art work we did half way yesterday. I prepared some white paint for the children to work on it as clouds. They could paint their blue colour sky with clouds by using their  hand. They could print with their fingers, or back of their palm.

Some of them painted their clouds pretty small while some of them painted their clouds pretty big. I told the children to try to paint the clouds on top of the paper and leave the other half of the paper empty. I wish to get the children to do some drawings to be pasted on the other half of the paper these 2 days.

Note: No photos for this activity as well. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Art Work - White Clouds in the Blue Sky (Part I)

Date: 30th September 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art Work - White Clouds in the Blue Sky (Part I)

Today, we shall carry out an art work about white colour. Before that, I gave every child half a piece of the drawing papers. Then I also prepared some blue colour water colour for the children to paint their pictures all in blue to make the blue sky.

Some of them painted their sky really dark blue while some painted their sky in shades. Once the blue paint is dry, then only we could put in the white colour tomorrow.

Note: Parts of the pictures for this activity was lost. Therefore, no pictures to be uploaded for this post. Sorry for any inconvenience.

White Colour

Date: 29th September 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

White Colour

Today, we all sat down and had a brainstorming session about white colour items that the children could think of.

Teacher: Can you think of any thing that is naturally white in colour?
Thong Xuan: paper, rabbit, cloud
Huey Xin: whiteboard
Jayden: hair, dog, milk
Yi Fai: shell
Edmund: teeth

At the same time, I also put in some other things such as egg white, elephant tusk etc.

Song - Mary Had a Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece is white as snow.

I shared a Mandarin storybook that related to white clouds to the children. It's about dream and action. It's an encouraging story about a white sheep who wanted to seek for his dream by asking his friends - the farm animals to do it together with him.

From the pictures of the storybook, the children noticed about the white clouds and the white sheep.
They started to tell stories of theirs about white colour. Things that they saw or things that they know at home which is white in colour.

We shall do an activity this week about white colour.


New Colour - White

Date: 26th September 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

New Colour - White

From the list of the colours that the children had voted earlier, the next colour would be white. The children were asked to look for things that is white in their class. They could also bring items that is white in colour to share with their friends next week. 

Game - Goose, Goose, Geese
By now, the children should be quite familiar with the names of colours, therefore, we carried out this game today. 

The children sat down in a small circle. Then I picked a child to go around touching their friend's head. By doing so, that child needed to say out a colour. Every round, I shall gave them a colour that the children needed to be aware of. Once they hear their friend mentioned about that colour, they have to stand up immediately and chase after that child. The one who is being chased needed to be fast enough to sit back at the empty seat. 

Colours that I picked were the colours that the children had learned. Most of them were quite alert of what their friends are saying while some are quite slow in reaction. However, the kids had fun. 

After the chase, the kids took some rest by lying on the floor. We call it a day.