
Game: Playing with the “Seal”

Date: 27th February 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Game: Playing with the “Seal”

Today, we shall have a game related to seal. This was my conversation with the children before we start:

Teacher: Where would you see a seal? (Silence across the room for a while.)
Thong Xuan: I have see seal.
Teacher: Where did you see seal?
Thong Xuan: Oh, zoo. (She said that in Mandarin.)
Teacher: Right, you can see a seal in zoo. Do you remember what is the seal doing in the zoo? Dancing?
Children: Swimming……eating fish……
Teacher: We call that performance. So today we shall play a game related to seal.

This is what we needed for the games today:
-          some coloured rings (that can fit into the cone)
-          2 coloured cones (to be pretended as the seal or sea lion)

We also set some rules for the games. This is a trial game.
-          No crossing the line indicated
-          Each children can try to throw 5 times

The children tried their best to throw the rings into the cones. Some of them could get a few score while some needed some adjustment. 

We are ready

Ayden: Here I go!

