
Things in Red

Date: 21st January 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Happy Chinese New Year
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Things in Red

We revised the story of the Nian monster again today by asking and answering the questions. The children could remember most of the content of it and tried their best to convey in English. Keep it up!!

Now, since the Nian monster is afraid of red colour. Therefore, today, I wanted the children to share their thoughts about things in red. However, they only managed to share a few common things such as apple, red table, red chairs, strawberry, fire crackers, angpao packets and not more.

Then, suddenly I remembered a story that related to red - Little Red Riding Hood. Some of the children said they didn't know what story is that. As a result, I played them a short story about it.

Video: Little Red Riding Hood - Kids Stories - LearnEnglish Kids British Council

From this simple story, the children could understand and repeated some phrases in it. I told the children that we could arrange a role play for this tomorrow.

