
Observe the seeds

Date: 2nd June 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Observe the seeds

Since last week, some of the children started to bring different kinds of seeds from home such as apple seeds, orange seeds, passion fruit's seeds etc.

Therefore, today, I have quite some types of seeds with me. So I get the children to pair themselves up and carried out this activity together. I got some small square colour paper with me. The children needed to paste the seeds on it and paste it onto the manila card. The children get to observe the different kinds of seeds from its size, colours and shapes.

Finally, when we got all the seeds done, we have apple, orange, passion fruits, mango, grapes, chillies, pumpkin and capsicum seeds.

Here were some photos of children doing this activity:

This is how the poster looks like:

