
Postcard Project - Part III

Date: 30th October 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Postcard Project - Part III

The children had learnt about address the other day. Today, the children needed to write an address on their postcard. I believe it would  be difficult to get everyone to write their own house address. Therefore, we created a universal address that everyone will just copy it and write it on their postcard.

This is how it looked on one of the postcard:

The children will bring the postcard home today and put it secretly at their postbox. Hopefully their parents will be happy to find a surprise in their postbox.

Note: The children went out on a field trip to I-City Snow Walk yesterday. Unfortunately, there were some delays in the schedule and the class was being cancelled. As a result, there's no blog update for 29th October 2015

I will put an end of our Rainbow Colours theme today. Though, the children wanted to learn about pink, I shall carry out some simple activity for it next week. We shall make use of November for our year end performance practice. Let's put our fingers cross that everything will run smooth!!

Goodbye! See you all in year 2016.

