
Movie - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Date: 8th September 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Movie - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Before showing the show to the children, we had some revision on things in brown. They were still quite insisted with the answer - chocolate. Therefore, I introduced them to the movie - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. None of the children had any idea what the story is about.

Today, we managed to watch for about 15 minutes.

This is a story about Charlie, a boy from a poor family, who is interested to visit the Chocolate Factory in the town that he is staying. Charlie stays in a small hut with his father and mother and his 4 grandparents. His father used to work in toothpaste factory but unfortunately, he was retrenched due to the introduction of machinery. 

The chocolate factory owner's announced about inviting 5 lucky children who found a golden ticket which hidden in their Wonka's chocolate bar. Charlie would get a bar of Wonka's chocolate on his birthday. Unfortunately, he had no luck until one day he found money lying on the street. He used the money to buy himself a bar of chocolate. To his surprise there's a golden ticket in it. 

At this time, the children were thrilled to know that Charlie got the golden ticket. They even applause with joy. At this moment, I realised that the children could understand the story line quite well.

We have to continue with the movie tomorrow.

