
More purple colour

Date: 7th September 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

More purple colour

We had the sweet potato feast last Friday. The headmistress got us some dragon fruit for the children to try today before we moved on to another colour. At first only a small group of children were eager to try while others just looked on.

We have 2 dragon fruit today. I let the children observed it before cutting it into pieces. Most of them came to take a piece while I have to encourage some of them to try it.

The children still remember that we accidentally mixed blue and red which turn out to be brown. Therefore, the children shared their thoughts about brown.

Without much thought, chocolates comes to their mind. I guided them to name me something else, yet, most of them mentioned about chocolates instead. I guess that would be their favourite dessert after all.

After some while, they managed to come out with examples of brown such as bear, ciku (a kind of local fruit in Malaysia), lion etc.

I found a movie that related to chocolate and I would like the children to watch it.

