
Role Play - Little Red Riding Hood

Date: 7th July 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Role Play - Little Red Riding Hood

Book Sharing - My Crayons Talk by Patricia Hubbard
Today, I shared a book on "My Crayons Talk". The children learned the colours of things around them. It's a fun book to read with the kids.

After the book sharing session, the children wanted to act out the story of - Little Red Riding Hood. Therefore, I orally went through the story with the children and get them to say along some lines said by the Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf. Then, I brought in a basket and borrowed a pillow and a blanket from the children to add in to the role play.

Each round, we needed 4 children to be Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf, the granny and the wood cutter. The children took turns to act in each round.

Here were some of the pictures taken during the role play:

Germain is Little Red Riding Hood. Wei Xiang is the wolf.

Germaine: "What big eyes you have!"
Wei Xiang:"The better to see you with!"

Umeko is Little Red Riding Hood. Ming Yen is the wolf.

Umeko:"What big ears you have!"
Ming Yen:"The better to hear you with"

Yi Ming is the wood cutter who chased after the wolf (Ming Yen).

Jie Min is Little Red Riding Hood.
Rui Xin is the wolf.

Jie Min:"What big nose you have!"
Rui Xin: "The better to smell you with."

The wolf jumped up and chased after Little Red Riding Hood.

Yun Han is Little Red Riding Hood.
Shang Feng is the wolf.

Yun Han:"What big teeth you have!"
Shang Feng: "All the better to eat you with!"

The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood.

Note: I will be following a school trip for another class to Kidzania Kuala Lumpur on 8th July 2015. Therefore, there will be no blog update for tomorrow.

