
The Whale Shark

Date: 11th February 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

The Whale Shark

Yesterday, we went through some facts about a whale shark which is the biggest shark.

Children: The whale shark got sharp teeth.
Children: The whale shark eat people.
Children: The whale shark’s teeth like this. (They are doing the action with the hands as though showing me the teeth of the shark.)

Since most of the children assumed that the whale shark will bite, I showed them a short video about whale shark and then we had a short discussion about it.

Video Sharing: Whale Shark
This short video shows clearly the features of a whale shark. The children were amazed to know that the whale shark doesn’t have sharp teeth like other shark. Even though it’s the biggest fish in the ocean yet it doesn’t bite.

After watching the short video, this is the discussion that I had with the children:

Teacher: Does the whale shark got sharp teeth?
Children: No.
Teacher: Will the whale shark bite people?
Children: No. Whale shark no teeth.

Teacher: Whale shark is the biggest but it doesn’t bite. It swallowed tons of water in and absorb the food in the water.

